Service Options
Start quickly with an on-line service and flex-staff option.
On-line Simplicity Get started right away with the vinFull on-line hosted option. You receive all of the power of the Ingio management system with no hardware or software worries. An internet connection gives you access to a fully functioning system from anywhere. vinFull gives you:
- freedom from hardware setup
- freedom from software updates
- freedom from security patches
- unlimited disk space as you grow
- high performance servers
- automatic data backups
- latest version of the complete Ingio system (vinBalance, vinCharge, vinOrder)
Flex-Staff Option. Finding qualified bookkeeping and accounting staff in the winery industry can be difficult. Adjusting to staff changes can be even harder:
- many wineries are in rural areas with a limited labor pool
- small wineries need qualified, but only part-time staff
- unexpected staff turnover can leave you struggling to get ordinary business done
- wineries are a unique business environment with a steep learning curve
Ingio's vinFull staff option can be a perfect fit for your needs. Skilled professionals are available to answer any challenge:
- use highly qualified staff
- use vinFull staff for a seamless transition from your old system to the power of the Ingio system
- use vinFull staff to carry the load and help train new employees
- adjust to seasonal demands effortlessly
- no added employees or benefits as you grow
- no need to find space for employees
- we coordinate with your accountant
Call and talk over how vinFull can get you through a short term crisis or be your permanent staffing solution. We will customize a vinFull answer to your needs . . . and that answer will adjust easily over time to your changing needs.