Wine Club
The single best step you can take to improve sales.
A strong wine club is a great way to build sales and customer loyalty.
Ingio's integrated vinCharge wine club functions take all of the hassle out of
maintaining club records and making high-volume shipments.
- Integrated Customer Accounts.
Whether a phone order, a wine club shipment or a tasting room visit, vinCharge
maintains a single customer record that eliminates duplicate entries. vinCharge
even maintains multiple addresses for each customer so you can be confident of
matching the address to the shipping season. Sales history is unified as well.
- Multiple Clubs. Offer as many
different club plans as you need to match each of your customer profiles. Reds,
whites, mixed or premium . . . you can maximize sales by defining multiple
clubs. Your customers can mix and match the clubs they want to join.
- Credit Card Integration. Ingio management software
keeps secure, encrypted credit card records and stream-lines the process so you
keep up-to-date card records with a minimum of hassle.
- Powerful Shipment Building. When it
is time to make a wine club shipment, vinCharge guides you easily through a
simple step by step process. Credit card pre-check, shipment template building,
shipment options, invoicing and UPS Worldship export are performed easily in a
way that will let you get out hundreds (or thousands) of shipments in no time.